Auf die Merkliste
Sprühfarbe auf Leinwand
100 x 200 cm
inkl. MwSt
Jahr: 2017
Zertifikat: Inkludiert
Über das Kunstwerk
„The texture of paper has a lot to offer. You work with it almost every day and therefore it has to endure a lot, you can tear it, crush it and it absorbs the colours as if it were hungry, consequently helping you to find expression. Paper also deserves added appreciation because it is a necessary requirement in the process of developing ideas. It conserves and builds ideas before becoming a discarded chronology.I decided to put paper on the trains, because it is also an important part of graffiti to me. The numerous crumpled sheets of paper I have chucked in the bin over the past twenty years are of enormous value because they show the development processes that have shaped my work into what it is today and what is now visible to all. In this series I am acknowledging the silent hero that is paper.“

Über den Künstler: RAGE
Einer der herausragendsten Graffitikünstler aus Deutschland, über den es noch erstaunlich wenig Informationen gibt. Der Künstler selbst sagt: "Es geht nicht darum, wer ich bin, sondern was ich mache." Rage ist seit Jahrzehnten in der Szene aktiv und genießt in dieser ein hohes Ansehen .